Samsung Chromebook Announced - Cloud Computing & A Lot More In a Little Price

Google's recent Chrome Operating System device, the 3rd-generation Samsung Chromebook is not quite disposable; however it's so reasonably priced, i.e. $249, and $330 if you buy with 3G--that most can buy it. 
All your valued data will be secure in at a faraway data center. When Sundar Pichai, Google’s senior Vice President, introduced the Samsung Chromebook on Thursday, during a media event held in San Francisco, he said that for Google, Chrome OS signifies the most refined type of cloud computing available."

Chrome OS is not just about a hardware for Google, it is about online ad revenue and cloud services. In the age of mobile gadgets and clouding, hardware matters no longer, at least not how it did matter in the age of desktop computing.

Samsung Chromebook Specifications:

Samsung's 3rd-generation Chromebook has 11.6" screen with a display of 1366 x 768. It will be measuring 11.4" x 8.09" x 0.69" and weighing 2.43 lbs. Its factor is close to 11" MacBook Air (weighs 2.3 lbs. and measures 11.8" x 7.56" x 0.68") that makes it as good as a mobile device. In case, compared on the grounds of cost, the Samsung Chromebook will win by a factor of 4. However, Google does not anticipate anyone to shift from their $1,099+ MacBook Air to a $249 worth Samsung Chromebook.

The Samsung Chromebook seems pretty much like a MacBook Air, nevertheless it looks more delicate: Samsung covered its electronics with plastic instead of aluminum, although sober-looking plastic in silver color afore the Chromebook 5 Arctic White which looks more like a kid’s toy. The Samsung Chromebook offers and bends in a way that the Apple metal MacBook Air does not. It is also more simply abraded and scuffed. But for the cost it has, this can be forgiven. New Chromebook also is less sophisticated from the perspective of design. 


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