Beauty Tips For Women In The Summer Season!

Having beautiful skin can make a huge difference in the personality of a woman. Contrary to common opinion, beautiful skin is within anyone’s reach as long as they are willing to work for it. Summer months are known to challenge the health and beauty routines of most women, regardless if they are dealing with the humidity next to the ocean or are dealing with dry heat in the middle of the desert. There are some simple tips that women can use to ensure that their skin remains healthy and fresh, despite the heat and humidity, which is typically associated with the summer season.


The first and foremost tip for all women is to keep their skin hydrated during the hot summer months. Decent skin can be maintained throughout the summer with the help of water. However, in the summer, keeping skin hydrated can become a major dilemma because you are sweating more and more. Thus, retaining water can be problematic, but it can be done by increasing the intake of water for keeping the skin fresh and glowing. The body can be dehydrated with sugary and carbonated beverages and caffeine. Therefore, drinks and coffee should be replaced with water and tea. There is no ideal water intake as it varies for every individual. Nonetheless, water loss is great in the summer so should water intake be.

Repelling Red Bumps

Pimples, acne and other similar skin infections are common in the summer. You don’t want to add red blemishes and bumps on the skin so make use of insect repellent when you are going outdoors for an extended duration. Complexion can be ruined by bug bites. Use insect repellent to ward off any sort of insect attack on your skin.

Keeping a Light Hand on Makeup

Makeup application should be kept to a minimum during the summer season. Pores are expanded because of heat and problems like blackheads and pimples can arise if women apply heavy foundation in a humid and hot weather. Blemishes can be reduced and pores can be kept clear by using a lighter moisturizing foundation. Foundation should be avoided altogether if possible and a concealer should be used instead. Foundation will end up melting on your face because of the summer temperatures so its best to skip it.

Lathering SPF

Summer season means that the heat is intense. Forgetting sunscreen during summer can be a huge mistake and have serious repercussions. Blemishes is one thing, but you don’t want to have blistered or red skin. The embarrassment of having a flaking face can be avoided by choosing to use sunscreen for a little while. In the long run, sunscreen can have other benefits as well like preventing skin cancer, sun spots and also leathery skin. It is essential for women to get a sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 15 as it can do wonders in the summer months.

These beauty tips can go a long way of protecting your skin in the hottest time of the year.


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