Usage of Facebook and Facebook Timeline By Individuals and Businesses

Facebook has taken everyone by storm. You’ll rarely find someone who doesn’t have a Facebook account. Whether it’s a common individual or an artist or a product or business, everyone has a Facebook account, which can help them in interacting with others. That’s why; it is known as a social media portal where you can add the people they like and share pictures, videos or information that they’d like to share with each other. This has brought everyone closer and has helped in making the world in a global village. On one hand, different people are using it for their personal use. On the other hand, businessmen are using Facebook as a medium to promote their services and businesses. According to statistical figures, usually people spend 3-4 hours of their time on Facebook. That’s why; it is considered to be the best place to find the target audience and interact with them.

Business owners create a fan page on Facebook and ask people to ‘like’ it. After that, they can interact with them and introduce their products and services. But the best aspect of using a social media portal like Facebook is the customer feedback. Customers are open to say anything and you can use their feedbacks for the betterment of your services or products.

Facebook also keeps introducing new features and specifications, which can help the users in presenting themselves in a better way. It also keeps the interest of people alive as they get to see new stuff after every few days. Facebook Timeline is one of the newest features that have been introduced by them. It is completely opposite to the typical profile page. Timeline has a huge cover photo area apart from the profile picture and the best feature is entire timeline. You can see when one has joined the Facebook and what have been their activities during the course of different years.  It makes everything pretty simple and you can easily find out what has been happening in their lives.

From the business point of view, Facebook Timeline makes everything pretty clear. If it’s about a business or product, you can actually see that when it was launched. The progress is also visible. The customers or target audience can see how the business or product has grown over the period of time. Whether they tried to get better with every year or their popularity declined. In the older profile, they weren’t able to see the progress of a business or products over the years. But the new Facebook Timeline has made everything easy and they can browse through the different years of your progress.


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