How a Gardener Must Work With Daylilies, a Short-Lived Beauty

The beautiful daylily comes in a variety of colors and styles. From yellow to magenta from smooth to ruffled, each flower is unique. Possibly the main trait all daylilies share is their shockingly short lifespan. Each bloom lasts for only one day, hence the name. However, because each plant may have multiple branches, you can expect fresh blooms throughout the season. The successful growth of these beautiful flowers lies in the care and dedication of their gardener.

Before planting his seeds, a knowledgeable gardener first locates the perfect planting spot. He searches for a place where his flowers will receive about six hours of full sunlight and their roots will not compete with the roots of other shrubs and flowers. After locating the perfect planting ground, he tests his soil. If his ground is heavy with clay, he will add compost, humus, peat, moss, or sand. On the flip side, if the earth is laden with sand, he will add compost, humus, or peat moss. In predominantly clay soil these additions will make the ground more friable while in sandy soil they will increase the water retention.

Carefully a gardener must select his seeds. Choosing from a multitude of colors, textures, shapes, and sizes, a gardener may feel overwhelmed by the choices. He will then plant his seeds according to size. If he has chosen large flowers, he will plant them 18 to 30 inches apart. If they are medium or miniature size blooms, he will spate them by 16 to 24 inches. To retain water and discourage weeds, an experienced gardener will always surround his daylilies with mulch.

Attentively watering his plants 3-4 times a week, the gardener will watch his flowers grow. 2-3 weeks after planting his flowers, this gardener will apply some fertilizer. A balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer will work magnificently. As his flowers grow and begin to bloom, this gardener will begin to trim excess foliage and remove weeds and dead leaves. This act will prevent against thrips, spider mites, and aphides. Eventually, the daylilies will start to bloom. At the end of each day, as the blooms die, the gardener will trim off the dead blooms to keep the plant looking fresh.

Daylilies are unique flowers. They can be planted during most seasons, as long as there is no chance of frost. In addition, they can be found as dormant flowers that remain in hibernation for a certain period of time or as evergreen flowers that bloom whenever it is warm. These flowers are truly unique and beautiful, and with proper care can grow to have up to 80 blooms in one season. Daylilies are magnificent.


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