Grow Herbs Indoors For A Personal Garden!

The fresh breezes and warm sunshine of the spring and summer tend to bring out the gardener in every individual. People can indulge in their gardening hobby and also get their most wanted herbs by the simple and effective strategy of growing herbs indoors. However, this is not the only reason why people opt to create their personal indoor herb garden. Lack of space is one very important reason. Also, some herbs may grow better indoors where factors can be controlled instead of the outdoor environment. Moreover, people don’t want to run out every time they need a leaf or two if the herb garden is grown for helping with cooking.

Regardless of the reason for an indoor herb garden, people should be aware that it demands complete attention and focus in order to be fruitful. When the decision of growing an indoor herb garden is made, people have to consider a wide array of factors in addition to choosing herbs carefully. This is essential if people wish to have a prosperous and thriving garden. Some of the factors that one should bear in mind are as follows:


Proper garden soil should be used for growing herbs successful. Neutral soil instead of alkaline or acidic soil is preferred and garden dirt should be avoided at all costs. Extremely fertile soil shouldn’t be used either as it can lead to foliage. Soil that has sufficient, but not overmuch, organic matter should be preferred.


Moist, but not wet soil is needed by herbs. Therefore, a proper drainage system should be available. Herbs need water to grow, but they don’t have to be drowned in it.


The overall growth and health of the plant can also be affected by harvesting. It is vital to harvest them at the correct time, which can depend on the type of herb being grown. This principle is also applicable to pruning.

Lighting and Exposure

The biggest challenge that’s faced by indoor herb gardeners is the exposure and lightening that will be provided to the herbs. Light is crucial for the growth of every plant. But herbs are highly sensitive and need the correct amount of lighting to be able to survive. Clear, bright light is provided by Eastern exposure, due to which it’s highly recommended. Also, the distance from the light should be accurate for ensuring right exposure.


The right amount of water will help the herbs to thrive and this can vary for every herb. People can determine it with experimentation and checking moisture with their finger.


Herbs also need minerals and nutrients for proper and healthy growth. The soil cannot provide enough nutrients, in which case fertilizers are needed. However, they only need occasional mixing and feedings, as compared to plants.


This is also another requirement for herbs and the air can be kept moist and humid by placing them in dishes filled with water, stone and marbles.

If the above mentioned factors are taken care off, it becomes very easy to grow an indoor herb garden.


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