Search Engine Optimization Tips for the Beginners

Below, some very important SEO techniques or SEO tactics have been discussed, which if implemented properly, will certainly fet your webite a decent traffic via organic searches. All of these techniques must be done appropriately if you wish to achieve a good spot in search engine results:

1.    Keyword: Keywords are little phrases or words which you anticipate the end users will enter on a search engine, so they see your website.
2.    Headers: HTML tags which will include your significant keywords.
3.    G-zip: Known as a webpage compression technology which decreases your website loading time.
4.    Sitemap: XHTML document which shares your website’s structure with search engines.
5.    Robots: Small .txt file that is usually available on the server and it prevents search engines to skip any private pages on your website.

As they say a building will only last forever if its foundation is strong. Same is the case with a website. Therefore, let's start with the basics! Below are the key factors we must consider when designing our web page:

1.    Domain Name: Get a domain name with at least one most important keyword.
2.    Title: Include a few of your important keywords. Just make sure they make sense when used together.
3.    Description: A description of 160 characters is enough to explain the purpose of your website. Make sure that you do not go beyond 160 characters.
4.    Do Not Use Flash and Much Java Scripts: Java scripts and Flash will certainly improve the appearance of your website, but they slow your website and also affect its standing in search engines, which cannot see the data inside a flash.
5.    No Tables: Crawlers of search engines cannot crawl tables and therefore the information in tables is not indexed.
6.    Alt Text for Images: For all images on your website, use alt text. You can choose a picture which matches the information of page and then use a few of your important keywords in alt texts.
7.    Don’t Use Excessive Links From Just One Page: Preferably, each page of your website must be accessible within not more than three clicks.
8.    Footer Linking to the Top: This is essential for making navigation of website simpler for the user, particularly if you have longer pages.
9.    Navigation: Your website’s navigation should be very easy for the users. Try to include links to main pages at your website’s footer.

Well, this covers the on-page Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Now, once the website is uploaded, use some of following and see your website growing and getting popular in just a few weeks.

1.    Make Your Facebook Page: Allow your friends to like your Facebook page and invite others to help you get more fans.
2.    Blogging: Make your website blog post related articles and news.
3.    YouTube: Make a YouTube channel for your company and start uploading relevant movies and videos to it.
4.    Google Analytics: Get yourself registered with Google analytics and start checking the performance of your website on daily basis.
5.    Google Indexing: Get your website indexed by submitting your site map to webmaster tools of Google.

That’s all for beginners. If you do follow the same as mentioned above, you can bring a website in good Google ranking within 2-3 months of the website’s launch.


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