The Health Benefits of Keeping and Interacting with Pets

The significance of human-animal bond has been accepted the whole time, across cultures, and in modern research. Yet, attachment with pet animals has been undervalued. Ancient people valued the connections between humans and animals. In recent years, increasing research evidence confirms the physiological, psychological, and social benefits of communications with animals and the healing potential of animal-assisted programs in a wide range. Yet the field of mental health has been slow to recognize the importance of these bonds.

Health Benefits of Keeping a Pet

Over the past 30 years, research in a wide range of journals and disciplines offers rising evidence that communication with companion animals leads to healthy physical conditions, psychosocial happiness, and recovery from serious conditions. Although early studies were not as precise as the modern ones, modern organized research mostly confirms these benefits. One research suggests that pet ownership reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The next revelation is a funny one, which suggests that the presence of a pet was found to be more effective than that of a spouse or friend in ameliorating the cardiovascular effects of stress.

Many effects are mutually advantageous. Merely stroking a dog reduces blood pressure in both the person and the animal. Interaction with companion animals increases neuro-chemicals associated with relaxation and bonding and they improve human immune system functioning. A number of studies demonstrate the positive impact of pets on coping with chronic conditions and on the course and treatment of illness such as heart disease, dementia, and companion animals have been found to facilitate the recovery of hospitalized children and ameliorate depression in AIDS patients. Avian companionship was found to alleviate depression, loneliness, and low morale of older adults in skilled rehabilitation. Companion animals ease suffering and anxiety at the end of life for those in palliative and hospice care. It has also been found that pets are able to anticipate the death of loved ones.

German and Spanish Researchers Prove More Health Advantages of Interacting with Pets

Interactions with pets alter the tendency of those with mental problems to focus negatively on themselves. They become more involved in their environment in nonthreatening ways with a companionate animal. Researchers in Germany and Australia found that people who have continuously owned a pet were the healthiest group and those who no longer had a pet or never had one were least healthy. Spanish investigators found that the constant relationships moderate the physiological processes through relaxation and soothing contact in stroking and holding pets. Pets also reduce stress. Moreover, they give indirect benefits, in strengthening health by maintaining exercise. Taking a dog for a walk or having relaxed conversation with pets also catalyzes social relations, which in turn reduces isolation and loneliness.


On the whole, a wide range of investigations has found that animal-human communication reduces chances of depression and loneliness as they increase social support and general happiness. To fully understand the strength of close, long-term bonds with pets, we need to explore more deeply their meaning and importance for human beings.

Human-animal connections merit greater improvement in the mental health. Humans happen to be social beings, companion pets, although, can meet most of the psychosocial requirements and improve our lives. They give joy and relaxation, affection and steadfast loyalty; and security and constancy in our lives and bring pleasure and comfort to both children and adults. Bonds with companion animals may not be the soul motive of our whole lives, but they can make our lives complete.


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