Common Mistakes That Web Programmers Make

Programming Web could be a mentally demanding job and while doing such an exhausting job, you could always make errors. If you haven’t programmed anything yet and just starting your career, you might not agree but after a few projects and days of working you will definitely agree to the aforesaid statement. However, it is not necessary that you make a mistake accidentally: sometimes, programmers make mistakes while trying to do something new or forgetting a basic instruction related to programming. Remember, it’s the small bumps and stones that make us trip, not the big mountains.

Mentioning the technical mistakes could be extremely arduous because there are many that programmers make while programming an application or web application. However, there are some non-technical mistakes that programmers make while working and this proves detrimental to their work. These non-technical mistakes if taken for granted or not given much attention could affect your work in the long run. If you have been in jobs for years, you must be aware of the fact that professionalism is mainly your ethics and morals in the office. What you do is considered as performance and companies can always use various methods to improve your performance but when the issue deals with ethics and morals, you get corrective actions right away.

While you are reading these mistakes you must remember that they mainly deal with non-technical issues with Programming Web. The truth is, these mistakes are made by many other professionals in their profession.

•    As mentioned above, these mistakes are entirely non-technical mistakes so the first one is about discipline. Whether you are a web programmer, designer or whatever type of professional, you need to know the disciplinary guidelines. The difference between non-professional and professional personnel is only seen through the discipline they follow. Always create a to-do list and make sure to follow it. It is always better not to leave things unfinished before leaving your desk.

•    No matter how many projects you have successfully accomplished and professionals you have trained don’t consider yourself as the best. The moment you start considering yourself the best programmer you stop being the best. Considering yourself best means that you don’t need any more training and learning and this is in no way recommended or advised. Your learning curve should always be rising and you should be ready to learn more: programming needs learning the most, frankly speaking.

•    Not good at communication or not communicating well. This is a big problem and even bigger problem is that you don’t realize it unless someone makes you realize it. For example, if you are working with many other programmers and a team of testers, you need to keep everyone informed of your progress. If you don’t, someone might come to you and ask you something very important which should have been communicated days ago. You will have no answer to that person and this will look very slipshod.

•    Being a programmer should not be contained within the boundaries of a good programmer only: you should also be a good representative of the customers. You must remember what your client or customer has asked for. You could spend weeks and months in creating something that is most up-to-date and advanced but if it doesn’t serve customer’s purpose, it is of no use.

•    Getting demotivated by the repetition of same work is another big problem not only with programmers but other professionals too; but think about it, is it really something that should get you demotivated. Everything happening in the world is repeating day in day out. If you are too bored with your work, enjoy a chocolate bar and get back to work again with high hopes and interest level.

These are definitely some non-technical tips not meant to equip someone with technical information about Programming Web but if you are not a good human in the world and a employee in the office, your work will be affected.


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