Steam: Home Acne Treatment

Acne is the most chronic and common form of skin disease. It haunts you the most when it breaks out on your face right before a party for which you had been planning for a long time. Here comes the simplest way of treating acne at home with the help of steam.

Let us first understand how does steam work to treat acne. Steam is not good for your face in every situation.  The face should be exposed to steam in controlled situations. Steam helps open pores of the skin, when pores of the skin expand, the sebum or bacteria clogged in the pores can be removed easily. Steam also helps in improving the blood circulation on the surface of the skin; it gives additional oxygen to your skin and leaves your skin glowing.

Steam causes your face to sweat which is good in opening pores of your skin. In addition, you are letting your skin get moisturized as immediate hydration helps you prevent flakiness of the skin. In fact, with the help of steam you are not only allowing it to clean the dirt clogged in the skin but also to slough off the dead skin.  See how to go about steaming to treat acne in a natural way.

Step 1: Take a pot two third filled with water or simply get the facial steamers available in the market. If it’s a pot, put it on the stove or turn on the steamer as per the instructions on the manual.

Step 2: Just before boiling the water, you can add a herbal essential oil, which is meant for treating acne. Herbs like mint, rose hips and lavender can be used. Mint helps in opening up the pores, and the scent of it can even treat sinuses. Rose has vitamin D, which is released on boiling and rejuvenates the skin whereas lavender relaxes and enriches skin with its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Step 3: Remove the pot from the stove or turn off the steamer, place it on the trivet, drape a towel on the head, choose a large towel that helps to create a small steam bath, not letting the vapor to escape.

Step 4: Place your face directly on the top of pot or a steamer, make sure the distance is maintained so as you don’t burn your face. Close your eyes and deeply nut slowly breathe in the steam. If you feel very hot, you may then remove the face away from the steam and keep your face covered with e towel. When you are comfortable you may again start taking steam.

Step 5: You must let steam on your face for a maximum of 10 minutes until the water cools down. Make use of this natural herbal treatment along with steam to saturate your skin so that it nicely penetrates the pores and gets all deep-rooted sebum unclogged.

Step 6: Once the face cools down a bit, begin with the blackhead removing tools, and mild exfoliation and then finish the whole treatment by rinsing off your face with cool water. Cool water will help you close the open pores. Tone your face and apply a gentle moisturizer to hydrate your skin. For oily skin, go for aqueous base lotion or simply use a moisturizer gel.

Author Bio:

Eve Dawson, a professional writer and a skin and beauty expert and also a language enthusiast, spends her time by giving guest lectures on beauty tips and skin care and on her community French workshops. Eve Dawson is also an occasional writer and loves to share her thoughts and experience on skin care. Her recent interests include the Revitol Skin Care products, her favorite being the Revitol acnezine skin antioxidant.


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