PayPal Mistakenly Credited an American Man $92 Quadrillion

PayPal, the most popular online money transfer website recently committed one of the biggest mistakes they ever made. The company recently credited an amount of $92 quadrillion in an American man’s account, for a limited period of time. The economists estimate that this enormous amount of money is about a thousand times bigger than a collective GDP of entire world.

PayPal, however, immediately realized their grave mistake and quickly withdrew the excessive amount from user’s PayPal account balance. Chris Reynolds from Pennsylvania, as it seems, accidentally became center of attention because of the error made by Pay Pal, which for some time turned him into the richest man on earth officially. The fact is important that he is the only man in this world who has enjoyed this short-lived distinction of being a quadrillionaire.

As per the media reports, by this incident the bank balance of Reynolds would easily have exceeded the wealth of Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecom honcho, who presently is ranked number 1 in the world’s richest people with an estimated $67 billion net worth and still counting! Expectedly, the strange event totally befuddled Reynolds. He claimed in his statement that after seeing so big amount in his account, he first believed that he had accidentally run into some sort of debt and owes this entire amount to someone. Once he realized that he was the owner of this gargantuan amount of money, it was impossible for him to believe his luck.

As a result, Reynolds was shocked while he had that money. He also claimed that being a responsible citizen, if he really had that money, his first act would be to have paid off all the US national debt as soon as possible. As a gesture of goodwill, PayPal made him an offer that it will make a donation to any one of the charities he supports after they took the money off his account.


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