The Old Cars Love Being At National Automobile Museum

When you visit a place in the world for tourism or vacation, you must make sure to keep memories with you. The best way to collect your memories is to have pictures and photos. At the same time, it must be made sure that you go to places that are considered unique. Think about it: going to 10 different destinations and visiting only beaches will not have that taste and attraction in your tours. If you are visiting Nevada and want to collect a lot of photos and enjoy being in a place that really stays in your memories, go to the National Automobile Museum. This place is unforgettable and it stands out from rest of the museums that you might have seen before.

This Museum Is All About Cars – Old Cars

You might have started thinking about old cars as in the ones with dents in their bodies and mileages touching six digit figures, but those are not the cars this museum displays. These are the cars from 1910s and onwards. There are four galleries in the museum and each of the galleries contains the cars from a particular decade of the 20th century. You will get to see the cars that look absolutely not like cars of today to ones that look so fascinating and dazzling that you would want to own them by leaving your personal car. They all shine and sparkle because a lot of care is given to them.

The setting of the museum is awesome where you are allow to visit with groups of people or alone and enjoy a lot of other stuff than watching cars. Depending on your choice you can decide which gallery to spend most of your time in. Starting from 1910s, you can see cars ahead of 1950 as well. They all belong to their respective galleries i.e. gallery 1 has cars from 1910s, gallery 2 has cars from 1920s and so forth. The gallery with latest and the most diversified cars is gallery 4 where you will be able to see some off-road vehicles and some great racing cars. Other than watching galleries you can do a lot of stuff.

Exhibits At The Museum

Several exhibits are held at the museum throughout the year. Some are permanent, some keep changing and some are happening right now as you read this. These exhibits can display certain cars from Bill Harrah or other arts that are within the automobile niche. The exhibits are mostly focused at making cars, automobile parts and components as art. Posters, hoods, muffler tips, tires etc. everything can be part of the exhibit. The exhibits mostly continue for more than 6 months up to 8 months as well. The Bill Harrah exhibit is currently going on and you can be a part of it if you want some new photos in your automobile photo collection.

Year-Round Activities

There are some great activities going on round the year and these activities let the comers and visitors be a part of the museum as well. If you have an old collection of cars, even one, you should go and display yours. You can see the calendar on the website of the museum and see for how long you can have your car displayed too. Mostly, your car can be displayed at the museum for 2 months. Henry Ford’s birthday is a great day to be at the museum as well. If you thought this place is not for kids then you might want to rethink. They have made this place perfect for kids by introducing the Kids Classic Rides Exhibit. Now the children can pedal their cars and roam around as they want.

Additional Activities And Information

How about arranging your party at the museum? You thought you couldn’t do that? Well, you should be glad that you can do that and this will be one of the most memorable days of your life and of those who will come on your wedding. This place is more than perfect for weddings and you will know that after looking at the interior layout of the museum. Not only weddings but you can also arrange reception parties, holiday parties, meetings and reunions here. Imagine how your guests will feel when they will have to walk through a collection of shining red, blue, green, yellow and every color car that belongs to the start and mid of 20th century.

The parties and events are mostly arranged in gallery 4 and all the necessary services and amenities are provided by the museum management. The parking is offered for free and they create such a layout that there is enough space left for your friends and family members to dance on the floor. Do you really think a wedding album could be any more memorable than this? Don’t even think about forgetting your camera while coming to the museum.


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